Wes Sattler
In true Sattler-form, Wes’ entrepreneurial spirit helped to shape a vision into a business. With his 20+ years of marketing and sales experience, Wes brings a solid business acumen and learned approach to development. With an appreciation for the natural environment, Wes gives freely of his time and talents to ensure Forest City Ecological Services is uncompromising in its delivery of unmatched professionalism and strict adherence to industry standards.
Colby Sattler
After years in the environmental non-profit sector, Colby co-founded Forest City Ecological Services with Wes in 2018. Seeing the need for qualified, knowledgeable and educated professionals within the ecological restoration and green infrastructure fields drove his desire to become a part of the solution. With a unique ability to provide common sense solutions and impart his experience in the industry, he strives to provide a better alternative.